ACCNJ has a dedicated team of government affairs professionals representing the construction industry in local communities throughout New Jersey, the Statehouse in Trenton and the Capitol in Washington, DC. Our expert lobbyists, some with a history of service in the legislative and executive branches of New Jersey government, others with experience as contractors and union members, enable ACCNJ to be a respected voice for union contractors when discussing issues with governmental leaders.

Government Affairs
- Authorizing local governments to allow third parties to perform construction inspections
- Creating e-procurement processes for public projects
- Supporting tax incentive programs to stimulate vertical construction
- Enabling Public Private Partnerships for public works projects
- Standardizing bid documents
- Strengthening the enforcement of NJ's Prevailing Wage Act
- Closing loopholes within NJ's Contractor Registration Act
- Advancing funding for higher education facility expansions
- Re-authorization of NJ's Transportation Trust Fund
- Fair adjustments for changed contract conditions
- Passage of the State's Library Bond Act
- Allowing expanded use of recycled asphalt pavement
- Creating NJ's State Infrastructure Bank
- Passage of Higher Education Bond Act
- Limiting a contracting unit's ability to withhold retainage
- Limiting the naming of subcontractors at the time of bid
- Establishing procedures to withdraw a bid on a local public works project
- Holding contracting entities accountable for alternate bids’ selection
- Assisting employers in reducing U.I. payroll tax increases
- Establishing prompt payment requirements for construction contracts
- Standardizing the period prior to bid for public entities to issue addenda
- Requiring prequalification for construction managers on school projects
- Setting tougher penalties for prevailing wage violators
- Extending the life of certain permits
- Establishing further investment in K-12 public school facilities
- Identifying revenue sources for investment in NJ’s water infrastructure
- Upholding public bidding protections on redevelopment projects
- Eliminating underground economies within construction markets
- Protecting against misclassification of workers
- Working for fair solutions to non-residential development impact fees
- Developing a transparent and fair award process for design-build projects
- Standardizing contractor pre-qualification within public contracting entities
- Requiring certification of available funds in place prior to project advertisement
- Clarifying when “road-opening” permits are necessary
- Capping payment of police on local road projects
ACCNJ maintains routine engagement with public agencies, including many of the contracting state departments, as well as New Jersey Transit, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Schools Development Authority and NJ's Division of Property Management and Construction. This open communication guarantees the flow of vital information to and from the ACCNJ membership. The Association also serves as liaison to relevant associated organizations. These include New Jersey Society for Environmental Economic Development, Southern New Jersey Development Council, Association of Counties, Road to Repair, and others.
On federal issues, ACCNJ partners with our national organization, the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC/A), to augment the voice of the construction industry. The AGC/A Legislative Action Center gives members the ability to become direct advocates, too. Use the AGC of America’s Legislative Action Center to reach a member of Congress about the important issues of the day.